Meeting room timetable & request

If you wuold like to book a meeting room for your company please give us a call to discuss the possibilities

Friday April 23, 2004
booked / set-up and clean-up time
  time Meeting Room I
(30 pax)
Meeting Room II
(10 pax)
Meeting Room III
(10 pax)
Meeting Room IV
(6 pax)
Friday 09:00        
Friday 09:30        
Friday 10:00        
Friday 10:30        
Friday 11:00        
Friday 11:30        
Friday 12:00        
Friday 12:30        
Friday 13:00        
Friday 13:30 set-up /
clean-up time
Friday 14:00 Delegation of power plant engineers from India      
Friday 14:30      
Friday 15:00      
Friday 15:30      
Friday 16:00 set-up /
clean-up time
Friday 16:30        
Friday 17:00        
Friday 17:30        
Friday 18:00        
If you wuold like to book a meeting room for your company please give us a call to discuss the possibilities