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Full Service Package A
with your own booth

1. Booth Construction

Exhibitors booking the Full Service Package A will use their own booth construction. Building materials, construction & dismantling, lighting and furniture of the booth has to be supplied on your own. For your convenience, electricity installation & supply must be ordered through Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR by submitting the Demand for Electricity supply form. Installation & consumption charges will be automatically billed & invoiced to your company upon the close of the Fair.

Click here to view the Booth Building Guidelines

Click here to view the Technical Floorplan - meters
Click here to view the Technical Floorplan - feet

Setting-up & Dismantling Date Time
Set-up begins 31.03.2003
12:00 p.m.
Dismantling begins 12.04.2003
4:00 p.m.


2. Infrastructure

Information counter
Possibility for visitors and the press to obtain information on individual exhibitors, Group Exhibit activities such as the Forum Programme, and general information.

Conference rooms
Conference rooms are available for our exhibitors. We accept reservations in advance, however, this is usually not necessary.

Storage rooms
All exhibitors share one storage area. There you can keep literature, promotional hand-outs, etc. For reasons of space and security, we cannot provide space on the Group Exhibit for crates, empty containers etc. We ask you to store your empty containers through a transport company (see Exhibition Transport Guidelines PDF-Document).

Cloak room
A cloak room is available onsite and to all exhibitors.

Lockers will be provided.

A comfortable place to relax and recharge. Just take a seat in a comfortable chair and listen to some music.

Balcony Café
Enjoy the view over the Group Exhibit from our second floor café and meet with your business partners.

Press Center
A dedicated, “manned” press center will be part of this year’s Group Exhibit. Each exhibiting company will have the opportunity to provide press releases and/or company information to the journalists in this area. Our press support staff will be on hand to field general questions about Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and will be able to introduce the journalists to our exhibitors.

3. Logistics

Delivery and removal of your exhibits in/out of the individual halls is the responsibility of each exhibitor. Removal of empty cartons/containers etc. can be arranged onsite. Delivery of empty cartons/containers will be returned to your booth directly on Saturday, April 12th not earlier than 5 p.m.

Delivery Address
Halle 13, F66, "your company`s name"
30521 Hannover

Click here to see the Exhibition Transport Guidelines

4. Services

Exhibitor Passes
All exhibitors are given exhibitor passes in proportion to the size of their respective exhibitions (see ratio below). Exhibitor passes are your access to the fair grounds during the fair.
Important: You will receive 2 tickets automatically from the Deutsche Messe AG, organisers of the entire Fair, although, in the set-up phase you will not need a Pass as the fair grounds are openly accessible through Sunday, April 6th, 2003. The remainder of Exhibitor passes - according to the ratio listed - will be handed personally to our Exhibitors on Saturday or Sunday depending on which day you set-up. If you would like the remaining Exhibitor passes mailed in advance, please let us know.

10m² 4 Passes
15m² 5 Passes
20m² 6 Passes
30m² 8 Passes
40m² 10 Passes

Parking Permits
Exhibitors with a booth area up to 20m² are allowed one parking permit. Booths as from 20m² and larger, are allowed 2 parking permits.

Name Badges
Name badges are provided to all onsite exhibitor respresentatives. Group Exhibit name badges are more easily recognizable by the media and fair visitors. Please provide the names of your booth staff no later than 14th March. Name badges are needed as they your entry to our daily lunches and Networking Evenings.
Please go here

Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR has reserved a few hotel rooms as additional benefit to our exhibitors. Hotel rooms located directly at the grounds cost roughly Euro/USD 210 – 300; rooms approx. 10km outside of HANNOVER cost roughly Euro/USD 125 - 150. We advise you to book your hotel rooms as soon as possible as this will increase your chance of finding a room(s) within your budget and preferred location. If you need any help please contact us.
Please go to organization details


5. Stand Facilities
Phone / fax / e-mail
A business center equipped with phone/fax/e-mail/internet access will be available to all exhibiting companies.

Booth cleaning and security during the night
Daily cleaning service as well as night patrols during the fair are both part of the Full Service Package. The Group Exhibit will be guarded throughout each overnight beginning Saturday April 05 evening 7p.m. to Sunday April 13 morning, 9 a.m.

Waste Disposal
Our fair ground construction crew professionally handles proper waste disposal at the booths both during the set-up and the take-down phases.


6. Food and Beverage

The exhibitors, their guests and visitors have full-time access to hot (coffee, tea) and cold (water, soft drinks, orange-, apple- juice) beverages. Beverages are available in our Café and will also be served directly on your booth. Lunch is served daily between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Networking Evenings begin at 6 p.m. every evening. As a reminder, food and beverages are included in the cost of your Full Service Package (A&B).

7. Forum Programme

Through a 15-min facilitated discussion, exhibitors have the opportunity to discuss their mission, vision or their latest achievements. There will also be an opportunity to field questions from the audience through the Q & A portion. No preparation is necessary, however it is advised to discuss the points you would like to talk about with our moderator 30-minutes in advance of your time slot. You are welcome to bring your exhibits on stage (as long as they are not too heavy or bulky). A beamer will be available to show supporting slides, graphs. However, we kindly ask you to keep the number of slides to a 3-slide maximum as we would like to keep the discussion interview style. If necessary, the interview can be conducted on your booth (rather than on the Forum stage) using portable audio equipment. Expected attendance is between 50-200; audience members come and go at all times and will have the choice to either sit at small tables or stand; beverages will be served during each session.

Click here to view our current Forum Programme ' 03

Please send us the Name of the Interviewee and your chosen topic of discussion. This information will be immediately uploaded to your web site. For specific preferences (i.e. changes in presentation day and time) please use our section for additional comments.

To give you an impression of last year's event, please click Forum Programme - HANNOVER FAIR ' 02. You will find the entire programme including photos and comprehensive statements from every interview conducted during last year's fair.


8. Company Profile and online documentation

Company Profile
Company details & information will be released on our homepage as soon as we receive it. We will only release what you send us as information is submitted on a voluntary basis. Our goal is to provide maximum value to our exhibitors before, during & after the HANNOVER FAIR 2003. Please use this valuable opportunity to further promote your presence and products.

If you exhibited in 2002 and there are no changes to be made, just let us know and we will make use of 2002 details and re-post it.

online documentation
Actual fair participation in the Group Exhibit is also documented for one year on our web site – Pictures of your stand and activities will be taken and posted accordingly. Your company’s Forum discussion will also be documented & posted - including pictures and text – immediately following your session.

9. Public Relations

We support your trade fair presence with targeted PR work and by leveraging media relations we’ve had at the HANNOVER FAIR since 1990.

Press releases
Prior to HANNOVER FAIR 2003, both Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR and the Deutsche Messe AG will issue press releases about the activities of the Group Exhibit. Press releases will, in part, be based on the information our exhibitors make available to us. Please send us any & all supporting material you would like us to communicate.

Press support
In support of the technology, our own press support team is readily available to introduce and assist attending journalists (Deutsche Messe AG expects over 4,000 accredited journalists) to the Group Exhibit. Arranging contacts between the journalists/television crews and our exhibitors will be one of their responsibilities. We rely on your cooperation and request your active support of our Press support team.

Two Press conferences
On Sunday, April 6th, 2003 at 2pm, a guided tour of the Group Exhibit will be offered to the journalists wishing to be informed before the official opening of HANNOVER FAIR 2003. The Opening Press Conference will take place on Monday, April 7th at 10am on the Group Exhibit Forum stage. Here we will introduce our concept of the Group Exhibit and some of our exhibitors will report about their work.

Press Center
A dedicated, “manned” press center will be part of this year’s Group Exhibit. Each exhibiting company will have the opportunity to provide press releases and/or company information to the journalists in this area. Our press support staff will be on hand to field general questions about Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and will be able to introduce the journalists to our exhibitors.

10. Advertising Measures

Group Exhibit Information brochures
All exhibitors and the current day-to-day programming will be listed. This brochure is available and distributed during the entire time of the Fair.

Internet and catalogue entry of the Group Exhibit
Your company's full address is listed under two categories “Hydrogen Technology Systems” and “Fuel Cells Technology Systems” in the -official HANNOVER FAIR catalogue-on the official Internet site of the HANNOVER FAIR

Daily Schedule
The daily schedule of the Group Exhibit Forum Programme will be included in the official daily programme (circulation size – approx 40,000) provided at each entrance of the Fairground.

11. Guided VIP Tours

Guided tours for international VIPs like high-ranking politicians and decision-makers will conducted daily on the Group Exhibit with the support of the protocol department of the Deutsche Messe AG. Advance notice (usually on the day before) will be given should a request to visit your booth by a visiting delegation.

12. Technical Regulations
Technical Regulations for the Use of Hydrogen

Technische Richtlinien bei der Verwendung von Wasserstoff

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